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HaiCi Seaweed Special Calcium Magnesium Liquid Organic Fertilizer

Product name : HaiCi Seaweed Special Calcium Magnesium Liquid Organic Fertilizer

Product abbreviation : Special Calcium Magnesium Fertilizer

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Corporate name : Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

Product form : Water agent

Content : Ca ≥120g/L Mg≥10g/L Small molecule peptide ≥20mg/L Seaweed extract ≥15mg/L Organic carbon ≥100g/L     Monthly production : 200 tons

Packaging : 5L

Product description : 1. After a special chelation process, this product solves the problem of antagonism between calcium ions and phosphorus, and can ensure that crops can better absorb the trace elements in calcium and magnesium when used together with phosphorus; and it can also decompose fixed in the soil. Phosphorus and potassium are re-absorbed and utilized to improve fertilizer. 2. The calcium ions contained in this product are organically chelated and are more easily absorbed under the synergistic effect of magnesium ions. The organically chelated calcium ions move faster in the crop body and are more suitable for crop calcium supplementation. 3. This product is rich in organic matter, which can effectively improve the soil acidity, compaction and lack of beneficial bacteria caused by excessive use of chemical fertilizers; help crops accelerate seedling picking, rooting, and strong plants, and avoid calcium deficiency. fruit spot, navel rot, rot, bitter pit and other diseases.

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Send inquiry

    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13