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Calcium and Boron Supplement Liquid Organic Fertilizer

Product name : Calcium and Boron Supplement Liquid Organic Fertilizer

Product abbreviation : Calcium and Boron Supplement Fertilizer

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Corporate name : Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

Product form : Water agent

Content : Ca+Mg≥170g/L;B≥10g/L     Monthly production : 200 tons

Packaging : 250g 500g 1000g 1t

Product description : Calcium and boron double supplement: This product adopts advanced chelation and polymerization production technology to make liquid calcium with high content of organic chelated calcium and boron. The calcium and boron ratio is reasonable, synergistic and synergistic, and effectively solves the Various physiological diseases caused by lack of calcium and boron. And promote flowers and fruits, obviously improve the appearance and hardness of the fruit. Healthy plant resistance: This product uses deep-sea seaweed extract as a chelating matrix, which is rich in nutrients and biostimulants. After continuous use for 2-3 times, the crops grow healthy and the immunity is significantly enhanced.

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    Product abbreviation : Special Calcium Magnesium Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : Ca ≥120g/L Mg≥10g/L Small molecule peptide ≥20mg/L Seaweed extract ≥15mg/L Organic carbon ≥100g/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Product abbreviation : Calcium and Magnesium Liquid Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : Ca≥120g/L; Mg≥10g/L; Organic matter≥100g/L; Organic carbon≥100g/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Product content : Ca≥210g/L Mg≥10g/L Polypeptide Chelated Potassium≥14000mg/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : Ca≥160g/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Product abbreviation : Liquid Zinc Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : Zn≥170g/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

  • Liquid Boron Liquid Organic Fertilizer

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    Product abbreviation : Liquid Boron Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : B≥150g/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Product abbreviation : Liquid Nitrogen Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : N≥200g/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : P≥350g/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Product abbreviation : Liquid Potassium Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : K≥350g/L

    Send inquiry

    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13