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YOU SU LEI(UQS) Organic Calcium and Magnesium Liquid Fertilizer

Product name : YOU SU LEI(UQS) Organic Calcium and Magnesium Liquid Fertilizer

Product abbreviation : Calcium and Magnesium Liquid Fertilizer

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Corporate name : Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

Product form : Water agent

Content : Ca≥120g/L; Mg≥10g/L; Organic matter≥100g/L; Organic carbon≥100g/L     Monthly production : 200 tons

Packaging : 10L

Product description : 1. Easy to absorb. Organically chelated calcium and magnesium water-soluble fertilizers are more easily absorbed by roots than inorganic calcium and magnesium. 2. Maintain the root system. Small molecular peptide organic nutrition maintains the root system and makes the capillary roots of crops more developed. 3. Calcium supplement. Overcome the physiological problems of crops such as bitter acne, bean spots, cracks, and umbilical rot caused by calcium deficiency, improve fruit hardness, storage and transportation, and extend shelf life. 4. Increase the surface light. Balanced organic calcium and magnesium nutrition promotes the formation of waxy layer of peel and improves surface gloss.

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    Product content : Ca ≥120g/L Mg≥10g/L Small molecule peptide ≥20mg/L Seaweed extract ≥15mg/L Organic carbon ≥100g/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Product content : Zn≥170g/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Product abbreviation : Liquid Boron Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : B≥150g/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Product abbreviation : Liquid Potassium Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : K≥350g/L

    Send inquiry

    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13