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Liquid Boron Liquid Organic Fertilizer

Product name : Liquid Boron Liquid Organic Fertilizer

Product abbreviation : Liquid Boron Fertilizer

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Corporate name : Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

Product form : Water agent

Content : B≥150g/L     Monthly production : 200 tons

Packaging : 250g 500g 1000g 1t

Product description : High pure boron content: boron content ≥150g/L. Excellent water solubility: it can be quickly dissolved in cold water and can be mixed with water at will. High absorption utilization rate: adding active additives, the absorption utilization rate is over 90%. Good mixing and use: PH neutral can be mixed with most pesticides and foliar fertilizers.

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    Product abbreviation : Special Calcium Magnesium Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : Ca ≥120g/L Mg≥10g/L Small molecule peptide ≥20mg/L Seaweed extract ≥15mg/L Organic carbon ≥100g/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Product abbreviation : Calcium and Magnesium Liquid Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : Ca≥120g/L; Mg≥10g/L; Organic matter≥100g/L; Organic carbon≥100g/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Product content : Ca≥210g/L Mg≥10g/L Polypeptide Chelated Potassium≥14000mg/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Product abbreviation : Calcium and Boron Supplement Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : Ca≥160g/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Product abbreviation : Liquid Zinc Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : Zn≥170g/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Product abbreviation : Liquid Nitrogen Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : N≥200g/L

    Send inquiry

    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

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    Product abbreviation : Liquid Phosphorus Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : P≥350g/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

  • Liquid Potassium Liquid Organic Fertilizer

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    Product abbreviation : Liquid Potassium Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : K≥350g/L

    Send inquiry

    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13