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Sugar Alcohol Calcium Liquid Organic Fertilizer

Product name : Sugar Alcohol Calcium Liquid Organic Fertilizer

Product abbreviation : Liquid Calcium fertilizer

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Corporate name : Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

Product form : Water agent

Content : Ca≥160g/L     Monthly production : 200 tons

Packaging : 250g 500g 1000g 1t

Product description : 1. High content of pure calcium: calcium content ≥160gL 2. Excellent water solubility: it can be quickly dissolved in cold water and can be mixed with water at will 3. High absorption utilization rate: adding active additives, absorption utilization rate is more than 90% 4. High safety: this product does not contain chloride ions, it will not cause damage to crop leaves after application, and there will be no spots on the fruit surface 5. Good mixing and use: PH neutral can be mixed with most pesticides and foliar fertilizers

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  • HaiCi Seaweed Special Calcium Magnesium Liquid Organic Fertilizer

    Product name : HaiCi Seaweed Special Calcium Magnesium Liquid Organic Fertilizer

    Product abbreviation : Special Calcium Magnesium Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : Ca ≥120g/L Mg≥10g/L Small molecule peptide ≥20mg/L Seaweed extract ≥15mg/L Organic carbon ≥100g/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

  • YOU SU LEI(UQS) Organic Calcium and Magnesium Liquid Fertilizer

    Product name : YOU SU LEI(UQS) Organic Calcium and Magnesium Liquid Fertilizer

    Product abbreviation : Calcium and Magnesium Liquid Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : Ca≥120g/L; Mg≥10g/L; Organic matter≥100g/L; Organic carbon≥100g/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

  • HaiCi Calcium Band High Calcium Water Soluble Organic Fertilizer

    Product name : HaiCi Calcium Band High Calcium Water Soluble Organic Fertilizer

    Product abbreviation : High Calcium Water Soluble Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : Ca≥210g/L Mg≥10g/L Polypeptide Chelated Potassium≥14000mg/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

  • Calcium and Boron Supplement Liquid Organic Fertilizer

    Product name : Calcium and Boron Supplement Liquid Organic Fertilizer

    Product abbreviation : Calcium and Boron Supplement Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : Ca+Mg≥170g/L;B≥10g/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

  • Sugar Alcohol Zinc Liquid Organic Fertilizer

    Product name : Sugar Alcohol Zinc Liquid Organic Fertilizer

    Product abbreviation : Liquid Zinc Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : Zn≥170g/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

  • Liquid Boron Liquid Organic Fertilizer

    Product name : Liquid Boron Liquid Organic Fertilizer

    Product abbreviation : Liquid Boron Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : B≥150g/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

  • Liquid Nitrogen Liquid Organic Fertilizer

    Product name : Liquid Nitrogen Liquid Organic Fertilizer

    Product abbreviation : Liquid Nitrogen Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : N≥200g/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

  • Liquid Phosphorus Liquid Organic Fertilizer

    Product name : Liquid Phosphorus Liquid Organic Fertilizer

    Product abbreviation : Liquid Phosphorus Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : P≥350g/L

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    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13

  • Liquid Potassium Liquid Organic Fertilizer

    Product name : Liquid Potassium Liquid Organic Fertilizer

    Product abbreviation : Liquid Potassium Fertilizer

    Product form : Water agent

    Product content : K≥350g/L

    Send inquiry

    Shandong Sike Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    Country: China

    DSHOW Booth No:N9A13