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Mannitol Calcium

Product name : Mannitol Calcium

Product abbreviation : Mannitol Ca

Enterprise store :

Corporate name : Shandong Elite Chemicals Co.,Ltd

Product form : Water agent

Content : 99.8     Monthly production : 10吨

Packaging : 50克,500克,1000克

Product description : Mannitol Ca is one popular chelated Ca Fertilizer. Comparing with normal Ca fertilizer, it is much easier to absorb by plan, so the market keep on rise recent years. Advantages 1、 Mannitol Ca is recognized as Mannitol when it is used as carrier of CA, and it is difficult to react to Organic Ca with organic acid in plant body, so Ca is very easy and quick to be transferred and absorbed, which could quickly supply Ca into the plant organ to precaution and improve acalcerosis,and prevent the fruits from dehiscent,hollow,malformation,bitter pit, water core,blackheart,leaf scorch disease etc. the improvement on disease resistance can help to add over 20% output. 2、 Mannitol has good performance to preserve moisture that can keep for long time on the surface of leaf, so it can prolong the time to absorb Ca. this advantage also improves the Ca’s utility. Mannitol Ca is the only one Ca Leaf fertilizer that can be used after the fruits are capsulated by bag. 3、 Mannitol Ca can improve the pericarp’s tenacity and bright, and flesh’s hardness, which will plump the fruit, high sugar content and better mouth feeling. The fruit’s durability will be obviously elongated. 4、 enough Ca supplement will improve the resilience of the plants, such as drought, sunscald, cold, waterlogging, salt, pest etc. 5、 Natural chelating agent has not pollution and toxicity to the soil, and not hazardous ion and Hormone to plants which will have not hurt and speckle to the fruit surface. 6、 Good performance to mix with other fertilizers and farm chemicals to reduce cost.

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